#How to create a pie chart in numbers for mac how to
Read on to learn about column charts and how to create one.Ī column chart, often referred to as a bar chart, shows values as rectangular columns or bars. Though Google Sheets automatically predicts your intent and chooses a chart type for your data, its prediction is still prone to error. Column charts are often used to represent and compare groups of data. One of the most common chart types is the column chart, where different categories are represented as rectangular columns in a chart. These charts help you visualize your data and also help you better comprehend and present your findings. If you have a computer that's tracking everybody's progress to get a task done you can, as you check off items, see how close you're getting to 100%.Google Sheets has a wide variety of charts and graphs ready for you to use. So now as I go through my checklist I can see what percentage I've done. So I'm going to put it right over on top of this and I will go to Arrange and I'm going to bring to front so the pie chart is actually going to cover that one. An easy way to do it is just to move it behind here. I can arrange this different ways that I want. When I check these boxes you can see the pie chart grows. Or I can change it to a basic color fill and maybe just make it gray. So if I wanted to change it to No Fill, for instance, I can remove it. I can go ahead and change different things about like say the style. I turn off values so you don't see that value there. I can double click and you can see I selected just the green widget. So I can actually go into like the widget here. Now I can further customize this pie chart if I want. So I'm going to select the pie chart, hit Edit cell references, select these two here, and I'm going to deselect this one by clicking on it and hitting the delete key. So that's what I need now for this pie chart to show me the percent complete and percent not complete. That's pretty easy to do because all I need to do here is basically say one, I'm going to do a formula equals one minus this cell and this gives me the opposite. Now I want to figure out what percentage are not checked. I can see it now clearly what percent of these are checked. If I wanted to I could change this here to go to cell and change it to percentage so I can see that maybe even turn off the number of decimals. If I used another function like rows I would actually get ten which wouldn't give me an accurate count. So by counting only the non blank ones I'm getting a total of nine rather than ten. The reason I wanted to do non blank cells is because this first one up here, you could see is blank because there are actually ten rows but the first one is the header row. So now when I check them off you can see it's going to add up to 100. So at the end of the formula here I'm going to hit the slash key, it will give me a divided by, and what I'm going to do to count the number of items here is I'm going to use the Count A which will count the number of non blank cells in A. So what I want to do is I want to divide this number by the total number of check boxes there are. So now I want to further change this because I don't want it to be actually the number, I want it to be the percentage. So now I see I get a zero and if I check any of these off it will count the number that are true. Count if and I'm going to do it on this column here and what I'm looking for is for them to be true. I'm going to hit the equal sign and in order to do that I'm going to use the count if formula. In this column we're going to put the item that will represent how many of these are checked off.

Just a totally blank table here and I'm going to shrink it down so we just have these two columns here with just one row each. So we need to have those numbers represented somewhere. Now in order to get this pie chart to work like we want it should show basically zero percent when nothing is checked and 100% when everything is checked. Now we want to add the chart which is going to be a simple pie chart. So let's say these are things you need to do and you can check these off very easily by using the checkboxes there. So let's just give it a title and I'm going to put some placeholder items here like, for instance, let's just do one, two, three, etc. I'm going to get rid of everything except the one column here. I'm want to create a new one that's a checklist type. The first thing I want to do is I want to get rid of the default table there. You can create a checklist and then a pie chart and then have your pie chart automatically track your progress as you check items off in the checklist.

Video Transcript: Here's a fun project you can do in Numbers. Check out Checklist Pie Charts in Numbers at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.